Best Instagrammers for Resellers to Follow (eBay & Poshmark)

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While we highly encourage you to document your hustles because it can keep you accountable, don’t get so caught up documenting the journey that you forget the journey itself!

Oh, and by the way, this article felt a bit odd to write because, while we know everyone’s names and stories here, were pretty much just creepy stalkers and they don’t know us from Adam!  So if anyone on this list visits, feel free to give us a shout-out!

Like most everyone, Kirstie and I spend most of our unoccupied time on social media.  If you’re like us, however (and we’re guessing you’re at least similar since you’re here) then you don’t spend your time on social media documenting your food choices for the day or ogling someone’s latest plastic surgery.

Ever since we started reselling, we have made it our purpose to hunt down and absorb every bit of information we can find.  What better way to do this than by following the journeys of successful sellers…on their social media!  Instead of mindless entertainment, we get motivation and information!


Ema can call herself “justanotherseller” all she wants but in reality she’s anything but.  Her Facebook group was a major inspiration for us when we first got started on eBay.  She is a great example of creating something out of nothing through sheer determination and hard work.  If an account will help you change your mindset this is probably it.  Her mantra has become everyone’s, LIST, LIST,  LIST!

Instagram: @justanotherseller
Facebook: “Difference Between Hobby & Business”


Joe and Nicole State are a husband and wife wonder duo who are currently on their way to creating an eBay empire!  If you love Disney and turning determination into piles of money then follow them right now!

Instagram: @statesplace
Youtube: States Place


While he doesn’t have a huge Instagram presence, Craigslist Hunter (Pete) makes awesome YouTube videos while constantly inspire us to up our hustle game.  Owner of Trading Post, host of Reseller Rally, and has had over $60,000 a month in eBay sales.  What other credentials do you need?!

Instagram: @craigslisthunter
Youtube: ​Craigslist Hunter


If digging through bins ever leaves you feeling a bit greasy or down about yourself, head over and follow @justthriftit!  A great sense of humor, information, and a super clean blog-style instagram feed will leave you no doubt that normal sane people resell on eBay as well. We’re just not one of them.

Instagram: @justthriftit


If there’s a manlier man rocking a Coogi out there we haven’t hear of him.  Not only will you get great tips and vids with a follow here, all of us have a lot to learn from his work ethic and financial transformation.  We know we’ll be following along as he rides his work ethic to new heights!

Instagram: @reezyresells
Youtube: Reezy Resells


A family man who is also an 8 figure Amazon seller?  We’re in there like swimwear!  You might get treated to lots of selfies here, but the motivation is worth it! Even if you are only interested in eBay, you can learn a lot about scaling your operations and putting systems in place for massive growth!

Instagram: @watchmeamazon
Youtube: WatchMeAmazon


Gone are the days when women had to choose between being a jobless stay-at-home mom or leaving their kids at home to join the workforce.  Ashley is a great example of a new breed, the hustle-at-home mom!  Follow her hustles on both eBay and Amazon.

Youtube: Hustle at Home Mom


$1,000 sales day like nobody’s business.  If that doesn’t motivate you to get listing then I don’t know what would.  If fact, we’re having a hard time finishing this article instead of listing because we just checked out her Instagram feed :/



Having a solid lofty goal to shoot for (10,000 items listed on eBay) is enough to drive anyone!  Chris is a super inspirational fellow is about much more than money.  We highly recommend a follow here…no matter how many times he changes his Instagram name.

Instagram: @10konthebay
Youtube: 10konthebay


If huge piles of orders going out tends to depress you rather than kick you in the butt then you should stay away from here.  This NC couple rounds out our top then.  If you follow everyone here you should never want for motivation!  Now get off Instagram and go list…

​Instagram: @secondhand_swagger

Do you use your Instagram to track your eBay progress?  Let us know and we’ll add you to the list below and we’ll build the community together!

​​Spot for the taking…
​​Spot for the taking…
​​Spot for the taking…
​​​​​​​​​Spot for the taking…
​​Spot for the taking…

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